Thursday, 30 July 2009

The Twat In Guildford

Oi, YOU! The delusional in Guildford who just voted in my online poll that Broon isn't the worst Prime Minister we've ever had. Show yourself and get ready for a public shaming. No? Well, you know who you are, Guildford-boy.

To quote TS Eliot (via Dave Cameron): Twat.


  1. If he isn't the mind boggles as to who is.

  2. It's even worse than that. Assuming Labour do implode at the next GE, a shit-load of people will still have voted for them, and, by extension, The One-Eyed Bringer of Ruin - he who smote all comfort, the spasming gimp-bloke-thing.

    Mr Clicky's only the paper-thin tip of whole iceberg of mongery.

  3. I've got the same poll over at my place and that little worm has just spoiled the figures - which is, of course exactly what he set out to do!

  4. It is, as someone has clicked, bloody infuriating. And not a little frightening, too!


Any thoughts?